Welcome to airshow-reviews.com!
This site is dedicated to provide the airshow / aviation photography fans all around the world with the practical information about various aspects of their hobby. What you will find here:
Detailed descriptions of popular airshows from the photographer's point of view. As in: general photo conditions, best spots, travel/accomodation, tips & tricks - and just a overall "is it worth it" feeling.
In particular, be sure to check out my practical guide to the Axalp airpower demonstration - extremely detailed "how-to", including information about accessing the southern side of the valley.
Spotting guide to few interesting airports / airbases. This part is still under construction - but check out the article about the Meiringen Airbase to see what is coming.
New version of my aviation photography tutorial - now in English/French/German!
Last but not least, some nice photos
This is all created by a guy like yourself, just to make everyone's life
easier - including mine so I don't have to reply to the same questions
every year on various aviation forums
Check out the
"about" section for more details and rationale
behind this page.
See you on the showground somewhere out there! If you find my work useful,
a friendly "hello" at the event will be the best reward I can ever get
Last updated: 14-03-2010, 21:39